Monday, January 30, 2012

Round 1: compiling xbmc

Although downloading and compiling Freeciv was an invaluable learning experience, there were many problems that were encountered doing the same with xbmc.

The first thing that I that I did wrong was download the source code from the wrong site, which was the old sourceforge repository.  I had downloaded all the files and was getting ready to compile and make the project, when I went to the xbmc wiki and saw that all the most recent releases were now being stored at github.

So I deleted that folder (rm -rf "folderName" deletes the folder and its contents) and started from the beginning using the new repository with the subversion command "svn co".
And here is where my next problem made itself apparent.  I had walked away from my laptop while downloading, and when I came back the terminal curser was blinking.  Thinking everything had downloaded fine I went ahead and tried to compile, but after many minutes of compiling received error messages saying I was missing about half of the code.  Looking back through my terminal logs I saw that I had indeed lost the secure connection halfway through the download.

Not to be a person easily daunted, I pressed on and tried again.  This time, after almost all of the code had been downloaded, I ran out of disk space on my virtual machine.  A rookie mistake!  When creating it many months ago, I had only allotted it 10 gigs of space on my hard drive.  So now I am in the process of imaging a new virtual machine and starting over.  Round 1 goes to xbmc.

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